© THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 2, 1938:
Stokowski in Capri with Greta Garbo
Mayor of Ravello Says Couple Spent Day on Island – Actress Has Villa Near By
Greta Garbo, motion-picture actress, and Leopold Stokowski, the orchestra conductor, who once denied there was a romance budding, returned here tonight after spending a day together at the Island of Capri in the Bay of Naples. They were identified by the Mayor of Ravello.
So far as was known there had been no publication of marriage banns, a requisite for marriage in Italy.
Miss Garbo, it was learned, had been staying at a seaside villa in Ravello since Feb. 25. When word spread she was there tonight, a stir was created. Little knots of curious persons stood outside the villa patiently waiting for a glimpse of the actress. They saw little to reward them, however.
Always mysterious, she wore a wide-brimmed hat pulled low over her face and dark glasses when she appeared at the villa. Her blue wool cape was bordered with …fur. Her blond hair hung in a long bob below the hat. She wore long gloves and carried a small purse.
An Italian girl said she saw the couple taking a promenade last evening. The girl related that she exclaimed, “Oh Greta Garbo!” when she recognized the actress from her moving pictures, and that the actress turned her head slightly and answered, “Oh, yes?”
Mr. Stokowski, who was divorced December 3, denied reports of a romantic interest in the actress, reports that were first circulated last October. “There’s absolutely no question of marriage.” he said then. “In an interview Miss Garbo already answered it.”
His wife, the former Evangeline Johnson, won a divorce at Las Vegas, Nev., however. They were married in 1926 and had two children. Five days after the divorce Mr. Stokowski saw Miss Garbo off to Sweden in the liner Gripsholm.
Additional Press Articles about Greta Garbo:
- Interviews/Videos with Scott Reisfield and Robert Dance February 6, 2006
- Greta Garbo's Great Nephew Derek Reisfields Talkes about Garbo December 2005
- Gray Horan Talks about Greta Garbo 2005
- Letters Push Garbo Slightly Into View April 18, 2000
- Garbo's Pedestrian Side: Everything Not on Film March 14, 1995
- Garbo's Glamour Enlivens Auction November 16, 1990
- »The Greta Garbo Collection« November 9, 1990
- The Name. The Face. The Auction. The Video November 8, 1990
- Greta Garbo's Collection and a van Gogh Are to Be Sold July 19, 1990
- Garbo: Illusion Was All April 22, 1990
- Greta Garbo, 84, Screen Icon Who Fled Her Stardom, Dies April 16, 1990
- The Elusive Garbo Turns 80 September 19, 1985
- Garbo Book Is Called A Hoax April 21, 1978
- Saga of Greta Lovisa Gustafsson September 1965
- Back from Europe: Greta Garbo Refuses to Discuss Own Life October 8, 1938
- Garbo And Stokowski Deny They Will Wed March 18, 1938
- Stokowski in Capri with Greta Garbo March 2, 1938
- Greta Garbo Back: Consents to 10-Minute Interview May 4, 1936
- True Story of Garbos Life by her Interpreter Sven-Hugo Borg 1933
- Detectives Shield Actress in Royal Suite of the Gripsholm July 31, 1932
- First and Only Bona Fide Life Story of Greta Garbo April 1928
- Greta Garbo's Intelligent Acting December 4, 1927